Se lo chiedono in molti.
à l'interrogativo del momento -- o forse lo ÃĻ sempre stato.
Quanto sono utili ed efficaci i libri di crescita personale?
Ho deciso di raccontarvi la mia esperienza utilizzando come riferimento alcuni dei testi che piÃđ hanno ispirato la mia evoluzione, sperando di potervi fornire qualche prezioso spunto.
Tutte le informazioni relative ai siti di approfondimento e ai link di acquisto, nel box di seguito al video.
Un abbraccio grande!
23 commenti:
Ma ma ma questo blog ÃĻ stupendo ci sono arrivata per caso complimenti :-)
Sono diventata una tua nuova follower... se ti va di passare da me io sono Il salotto del gatto libraio
E io sono troppo, troppo felice di averti a bordo, nuova amica lettrice!
Vado a curiosare nel tuo salotto anch'io. Hihihi.
Field Service Management has a crucial role in maintaining telecommunication systems as they are responsible for planning, installing, testing, and maintaining the equipment to run a proper communication network. Their general duties include the maintenance and repair of equipment and construction of towers to ensure optimal performance. A telecom engineer’s job involves the use of various tools such as interconnect devices, network facilities, and radios. A field engineer also works with engineers from other fields for equipment installation and then report to the upper management.
A Field Service engineer should have some experience with telecommunication systems and at least a two-year degree for telecommunication field technician jobs. Telecom field engineering is a very demanding job because they have to work long hours and have to show up as soon as they receive a call when they’re not on the job. A field engineer also needs to work in high-stress scenarios and repair the equipment till the service is restored.
Very nice blog, Thanks for sharing great article.
You are providing wonderful information, it is very useful to us.
Keep posting like this informative articles.
Thank you.ef
From: Field Engineer
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